The bottomless pits of the Deep call for the most ambitious explorers.

Play a short concept and Black and White jam entry, of a descending arcade platformer with blends of roguelike mechanics. There is no end to the Deep, just see how long you can survive.

Known Bugs:

Camera Continually Moves: Downsize the game to your liking, and it will go away.
Softlock: It is possible to gain height by mashing return and holding space in the Intro Dream level, then fly off out of the skybox. Hitting Enter, does not save you.


What do the items do?
* You can find their uses before you jump down the hole. Across from the tent.

Is there an ending?
* Nope.

What's the point of the game?
* Not much. Just wanted to make a game that dealt with randomly generated blocks that did specific things when landed on.

Future Plans?
* Maybe :-)


Game, Art, and Programming done by 1416junebug

Dither Effect by Acerola

Music Sample Credits:
Title - JPEGMafia (PIMU) My Heroes are Cornballs
The Dream - JPEGMafia (JFM,IAAT) My Heroes are Cornballs
The Garden - Liana Flores (Rises the Moon) Recently EP
The Deep - BloodPixelHero(chiptune music #2)

Play Testers: NicholeXD & batwingzz

Development log


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is that a dead gripsy reference?